About Me

Hi, I am Li Chen. I have been a software engineer for nearly 30 years after Ph.D. I am still doing hands-on work every day. Learning is what kept me going from becoming a dinosaur. For the past 30 years, I have worked on a wide variety of things. I often have to relearn when I revisit a subject as things have advanced so much. One of the motivations for writing this blog is to document my learning and catch the major decisions I made. I hope the contents of this blog will be useful for others as well.

I am currently working for AWS Center for Quantum Computing. I had the luxury of looping back to serve a new generation of physicists after I left the physicist field. I have the great opportunity to work with an extraordinarily high concentration of very talented people here (as evident in a Linked-in search of the organization). I am working around the software/hardware interface where we have to push many things to the limit. I had the opportunities to learn many things that I was not exposed to before. I want to record many things that I learnt for as long as it does not violate Amazon confidentiality. All opinions in this blog are my own and not the views of my employer.

Here are a few open source projects that I actively contribute to:



Here is an open source projects that I started but I am no longer contributing:

Amazon Kinesis Agent for Microsoft Windows

Here is my first open source project and hence my screen name. It has served its intended purpose and is now obsolete.

ASP Classic Compiler