The Remaking of My Blog with Hugo

The remaking

I have not blogged since I joined Amazon in 2016. My initial focus was delivery results and then I had to deal with a massive volume of customer interactions and data as the result. Now I want to blog again as I spend significant time doing R&D at AWS Center for Quantum Computing and I need to capture what I learnt, and hopefully that benefits others as well. My original blog site was developed on github pages using Jekyll. The Jekyll has changed significantly so that the side will not build.

The first attempt: updating Jekyll

Updating Jekyll has not been a smooth ride. Jekyll is developed in Ruby. The latest version of Ruby is currently 3.2 but github pages is only compatible with 3.1.3. So one actually has to start with a Ruby version manager such as chruby to have multiple versions of Ruby in a system. Then one has to install Ruby Gems into per project environment using bundler. Then once every few months, I need to update my Gems and ensure that they are compatible with each other. That is a bit too much maintenance if I just need a tool to write a blog.

Trying Hugo

Hugo is another popular static site generator written in Go. Hugo developers have resolved all dependency conflicts at build time to make it a single executable so that the installation is extremely easy.

Hugo deploys hugo modules as git submodules so git is required. This is a bit harsh for non-software-developers but OK for me. Using git submodules for distributing/versioning dependencies definitely is not as easy as versioned packages. However, I have only one submodule which is my Dairy theme which has more features than I currently need. Let us see how it goes.

Getting Started

The installation is very straight-forward. Just follow the instructions for each platform.

Then one can just follow quick start. When I get to the step of adding ananke theme, I jumped to the Dairy theme instructions instead. Expand the section under Quick Start to find the instructions.

Adding Contents

To add a new post, type:

hugo new posts/

You can also type:

hugo new posts/my-first-post/

The main difference is that the latter will create a directory for my-first-post. If the post contains images, you can add it to the same directory.

I also added an about page:

hugo new about/

To prevent the about page showing up like a blog, just locate the front matter which is a section at the beginning of the page and remove the date entry:

title: "About Me"
draft: false

To build the static web site locally, run:

hugo server

To include the draft pages, run:

hugo server -D


Most of the configurations are in the config.toml file. One first needs to follow the instructions to set baseUrl, title, theme, etc.

Configuring Main Menu

Configuring the main menu is pretty straightforward. Just add several [[menu.main]] elements. The double square-bracket means array in toml.

url = "/about"
name = "About"
weight = 1
url = "/posts"
name = "Posts"
weight = 2
url = "/index.xml"
name = "RSS Feed"
weight = 3

Hugo recognizes some of the urls like posts and index.xml out of the box while we have to add contents for about.


Hugo supports several comment systems from free to paid. One of the easiest free ones is utterance which uses github issues to store comments. The configuration for utterance is:


One of the easiest ways to get search functionality is to configure google search.

Syntax Highlighter

Dairy theme has a default code highlighter and we will see how it goes.


To deploy to, one has to configure github action to build the site. This is basically adding and config the page .github/workflows/gh-pages.yml. Follow the instructions from Hugo. In gh-pages.yml, uncomment the line that says extended: true. After the github action runs successfully, go to github Settings -> Pages, under the Build and deployment section, change the branch to gh-pages. Then the pages should deploy to https://<USERNAME|ORGANIZATION>

Trying this site

To try this site locally, follow the instructions above to install Hugo and its prerequisites. Then clone the projects:

git clone --recurse-submodules
hugo server

If the site is cloned with the --recurse-submodules argument, run the following after the fact:

git submodule update --init --recursive

Last modified on 2023-01-28